
Welcome to Summoner's Rift!!


take a seat and get ready for a lot of bad web design bayyybeeeeeeeee. im invidia and i took one (1) html class in highschool and now i think im hot shit. however i AM hot shit bc i like to have my own space for things which is why this site exists! i wanted a place to just throw stuff at like a dart board or that wall that alex hirsch threw sticky hands at.
so! please pls pls take a look around and enjoy the site! or else


march 2nd
omg its the second again??? im so predictable lol?? i signed up for a webring + finally added the img page! also gave myself a lil blog space :3 oh and the thingie is up and functioning!
february 2nd
BAM! WEBSITE!!! look at it look at it look at it!!!!!


all creds for imgs and code and stuff like that can be found in the credits section in the menu, but the site layout itself is at the bottom where it says "designed" (bc i didnt wanna move it)
i cant guarantee activity or freq upd8s bc im an alter in a system and its a big one at tht so i dont front toooooo often, but im workin on it! i have some personal boundaries id like respected, but i also dont wanna get yelled at so ill just block ppl if i notice theyre under that category lol